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Schneider Downs Capital

Value Advisors for the Middle Market

一个总理, full-service, 为中型市场公司提供价值增长和投资银行业务bet9平台游戏.

Forged from the combined experience of former owners and operators, seasoned investment bankers and senior executives, SD Capital团队在价值创造和公司销售方面提供独特的视角. 我们是值得信赖的顾问,通过战略评估和执行下游销售和货币化的多种途径,帮助企业主创造和最大化商业价值.

With decades of collective experience and 100+ transactions, 我们具有独特的优势,能够帮助业主顺利完成出售公司的复杂过程. 我们知道这是一个改变人生的事件,并致力于为您的目标提供量身定制的指导.

Value Advisory

作为战略和运营合作伙伴,我们拥有丰富的经验,通过识别和解决业务挑战,在启动销售流程之前释放重大价值,开发和执行无机增长. Leveraging top-tier investment banking capabilities, we implement powerful strategies to enhance value pre-transaction.

Investment Banking

For owners who are ready to pursue a transaction immediately, 我们提供全面的投资银行资源和专业知识. This includes a best-in-class process and various sell-side options, such as control sales, recapitalizations, 收购, 脱离干系, 和esop计划.

如果您想讨论贵公司的下一步计划,请bet9平台游戏 [email protected]

The Value Advisory Process

Using our three-phase approach, 我们的客户经常创造最大价值,并实现远超行业标准的退出倍数.

SD Capital Creation Progress
Baseline Readiness Assessment

Our baseline readiness assessment is performed through the lens of a buyer, 在交易中确定那些最有可能导致折扣和降低购买价格的领域. It also consists of identifying upside opportunities for value enhancement, 例如,将产品或bet9平台游戏重新定位为经常性的收入流,而不是基于项目的收入流.

Utilizing workshops, 面试, and data analysis, we identify opportunities for enhancing company value. 我们的团队由多个学科的专家组成,包括房地产和财富管理, 税 , 等.,以全面评估对未来潜在事件的所有潜在影响.

作为第一阶段评估过程的一部分确定的每个价值差距或价值创造机会都是基于影响进行排名的, 时机, and cost (level of effort). 解决每个差距和价值创造活动的目标计划被确定为跟踪和监控进度的关键绩效指标. Significant progress can be made in a little as 6 months, but the time frame to create measurable improvement is often 12 – 18 months.

In the value realization phase, 我们利用在第一阶段和第二阶段确定和解决的改进, 利用SD Capital的集体投资银行专业知识,指导企业主完成货币化或流动性事件. 在前两个阶段获得的对客户业务的深入了解提供了无与伦比的洞察力,可以成功地代表和定位公司,以实现其所有者的预期结果.

Investment Banking

We provide comprehensive sale advisory services, 通过有效地将卖家与国内外不同的买家或投资者联系起来,确保卖家实现价值最大化, 最大限度地关注业务运营,最大限度地减少与交易相关的干扰.

While price is crucial for sellers, the form of consideration, deal structure, 买家的兼容性也是确保交易成功的重要因素. 我们特别强调对潜在买家/投资者群体的详细分析, which may allow for a more targeted and abbreviated auction process, if appropriate, 但也要确定一个全面的集合,以最大限度地扩大覆盖面和选择的卖家. 通过提供以下bet9平台游戏,我们在推动流程朝着最佳结果发展方面发挥着关键作用:

  • Leadership and management of the transaction process.
  • Primary contact and interaction with buyers and investors.
  • Real-time market intelligence and comprehensive valuation guidance.
  • Facilitation of buyer and investor due diligence.
    • Identification of a comprehensive pool of potential buyers and/or investors.
    • 战略咨询,制定独特的销售主张,为客户的未来发展定位.
    • Structuring and negotiation of transaction terms.
Sales, Divestitures, Leveraged Buyouts and Recapitalizations

We play a critical leadership role in sales process, 提供全面的销售咨询bet9平台游戏,为卖家创造最大的价值. 我们将对客户业务和行业的深刻理解与严格和纪律的流程相结合,以有效地执行,并使我们的客户专注于经营他们的业务. We are experts in navigating the unique needs of mid-market companies, recognizing that a sale for many owners is not just a financial transaction, but a life event that impacts management, employees and family.

While price is crucial, the form of consideration, deal structure, 买家的兼容性也是确保交易成功的重要因素. 我们特别强调对潜在买家/投资者群体的详细分析, which may allow for a more targeted and abbreviated auction process, if appropriate, 但也要确定一个全面的集合,以最大限度地扩大覆盖面和选择的卖家.

我们的团队拥有丰富的经验,并成功地协助客户追求特定的收购目标和定制收购计划. We partner with you to develop criteria, identify and contact candidates, coordinate diligence and structure deal terms.


  • Owner-operators with successful exits.
  • Consultants and Executives to the private equity community.
  • Corporate C-suite, M&A and growth roles in acquisitive Fortune 100 companies.
  • Experts in commercial, GovCon and international business models.

  • Value creation experts that achieve upside exit multiples.
  • 投资银行专业人士,具有一系列复杂任务的专业知识.
  • Leaders across the full M&A continuum as buyers and sellers with 100’s of transactions.
  • Specialists in debt restructuring, turn-around, and special situations.

Why SD Capital?

Transaction and Hands-On Operating Expertise

Executive Insights and Industry Expertise

Integrated Practice with a Deep Specialty Knowledge
Access a deep talent pool of 税, wealth management, 会计, 通过我们与施耐德唐斯的合作,我们拥有尽职调查和估值专业人员.

Best-in-Class Transaction Execution
With extensive experience in mid-market M&A and corporate finance, our team prioritizes seamless communication, relentless effort, 和技术专长,以确保我们的客户和密切关注的企业的最佳结果.

Industry Experience

SD Capital Resources

About Schneider Downs

施耐德唐斯是一家排名前60的bet9平台游戏事务所,提供会计bet9平台游戏, 税, audit and business advisory services to public and private companies, not-for-profit organizations and global companies. We also offer Internal Audit; 技术 Consulting; Software Solutions; Personal Financial bet9平台游戏; Retirement Plan Solutions and Corporate Finance bet9平台游戏. 施耐德唐斯是中大西洋地区第13大会计师事务所,为宾夕法尼亚州的个人和公司提供bet9平台游戏。, 俄亥俄州(哦), West Virginia (WV), New York (NY), Maryland (MD), and additional states in the United States with offices in 匹兹堡, PA, 哥伦布, OH 和麦克莱恩, VA.

Schneider Downs Capital LLC is a subsidiary of Schneider Downs &

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